Monday, 27 June 2011

-China Town + Sentosa trip,牛車水+聖淘沙 一日遊


牛車水可劃分為牛車路、直落亞逸街、丹戎巴葛和武吉巴梳路四個不同風格的小區。丁加奴街/史密斯街則是牛車水的主要活動中心。舉凡中國古董、各式草藥、乾貨雜糧、藥油、傳統糕餅以及肉乾等,牛車水應有盡有,多半都集中在馬里安興都廟周遭。值得一提的是,牛車水並不是清一色華人居住的地方。牛車水內,沿著亞逸街,就可以看到福德祠、應和館,分別代表華人移民不同時期的歷史。往南行,Nagore Durgha Shrine 回教寺院、天福宮(Thian Hock keng Temple)以及阿布拉回教堂(Al-Abrar Mosque)等等,一一出現在眼前,在同條街道上看見不同宗教的廟宇,是當地的奇特景觀,說明新加坡對宗教的兼容並蓄,也見證了新加坡多元種族和睦相處的一面。 


Suggested schedule and route

8:00 am -Take Taxi to Far East Square(No.12 on Map)

8:15~8:50 -Have breakfast at 亞坤(No.11)

8:50~9:05 -Walk to China Town Heritage Center (550 meter,No.2)

9:10~10:00 -Visit China Town Heritage Center

10:00~12:00 -Sightseeing from No.3~No.10

12:00~13:00 -Have lunch at Maxwell food center(No.9)Must try 天天海南雞飯 & 甘蔗汁

13:00~13:20 -Take MRT to HarbourFront(NE4-->NE1),walk to VivoCity by Exit C.出口 C.

13:20~13:30 -Walk to VivoCity Lobby L, Level 3 to take Sentosa Express to Sentosa

13:30~13:50 -Arrive Sentosa Imbiah station.

13:50~18:30 -Sightseeing and buy ticket for "Song of the Sea" 水舞 Any Sentosa Ticketing Counters(Pls refer to,請參考
18:30~20:20 -Having dinner at "Café del Mar" to enjoy the sunset,food and wine(Siloso Beach).Has a small swimming pool around ,can bring swimming suit to cool down!

20:20~20:40 -Walk or take bus to stage of "Song of the sea"
20:40~21:20 -Enjoy "Song of the sea"
21:30~21:40 -Take Sentosa express to VivoCity and take Taxi to hotel
(Map by

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